Galerie Vieceli > Artistes > VANDENBERGHE François


la biographie

François Vandenberghe was born in 1951 in Courville-sur-Eure in France.


After a very long stay of 27 years in Gabon, he returned to his country of origin where he devoted himself to sculpture since 1995.


His allegorical sculptures featuring unexpected subjects (elephants) highlight the sometimes questionable choices we make as a society and the reality of everyday life. 


The unnatural telescoping of the elephants of Cynthia MOSS, famous English zoologist, and the characters of The Unknown Masterpiece by writer Honoré de BALZAC

is at the origin of this so particular approach, in which the man and the elephant become one. 


The elephants, the almost exclusive subject of the artist demand our attention in scenes that blend reality and fiction in an altered state of consciousness.


Like a kind of mirror that reflects a distorted image, the truth of François Vandenberghe becomes evident.